Then and Now
Some day, I'll collect your tears
in a thimble
and wash away the salt,
drop by crystal drop.
Some day, I'll stop a raindrop
in flight
and steal its sparkle
to light up your eyes.
Some day, I'll make a little windmill
that turns
with your sighs
and breathes out rainbows.
But meanwhile,
Pass the tomato sauce, please.
Ha ha ha! Love the "twist"! You've done it again PS! :D :D
Crazy..:D hahha good one again Love the flow and the rupture.
:) ... Dont you do this a woman in real life!
Thanks Tinker, Riddhi and Sowmya. Sowmya: in real life, this comes more naturally than in poetry!
flying high on imagine..
just loved it..
Slow Processor, thanks a lot! There's more coming, watch out.
What I feel all the time =)
Thanks for saying it, in a far better way then I could ever imagine.
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