Friday, March 26, 2010


I smooth down the sheets
easing the wrinkles of our love
feeling the dampness on my fingertips
and making me think about you.

You, with your
salty hairs and shaky voice
crooked eyebrows and quick skin.

Anguish builds on the clouds
rain collects within my eyelids
and fire, it spreads into the room.

Fire that makes stolen kisses seem like twilight drizzles
cools raging storms
lights damp gorges with desire
and drips lightning with twilight.

I feel your pulse on my shoulder-blades
your heartbeats on my breast
and your salt on my brow.

Alone, I look out at the stars
and your voice breaks into the room.

1 comment:

Laksh said...

This is my favourite piece thus far!! It's so wistfully sweet and sad. Beautiful.